1. Schools
  2. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act| FERPA

Directory Information

伊利湖学院可以根据教育法第九条的规定发布目录信息. 目录信息定义为与学生有关的以下信息:姓名, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, academic major, dates of attendance, degree earned, honors, awards, scholarships, honor societies and Dean’s Lists, officially recognized activities or sports, and height and weight of members of athletic teams. 学生有权要求伊利湖学院保留任何或所有指定为目录信息的信息. 保留具体信息的书面请求必须在学生第一学期第一天上课后两周内提交给注册主任. Requests will be honored for one year. 连续几年保留信息的授权必须每年向注册官提交.

Educational Records and FERPA

伊利湖学院的教育记录是那些保存在注册主任办公室的学生记录, Student Life, Admissions, Financial Aid, Advising, 学术事务和办公室的个人学术项目和顾问的住房记录.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 provides access for students to their educational records; permits them to challenge the accuracy of information in those records and limits the release of such information without their explicit consent. 伊利湖学院向学生提供学生有权审查的记录. 学院确认学生教育记录保密的重要性.

Without written consent from the student, 除上述资料外,任何未经授权人士不得查阅或披露任何学生的教育记录资料, which is classified as directory information. 提供学生经济援助的个人或组织是例外, accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation duties, governmental representatives, 按照司法命令行事的人,以及在紧急情况下为保护学生的健康或安全而采取行动的人. The aforementioned exceptions are permitted under the law.

Within Lake Erie College, 只有为了学生的教育利益,并在他们“需要知道”的范围内,学院的工作人员才被允许查阅学生的教育记录.

Educational records do not include: records of instructional, administrative and educational personnel that are the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any individual except a temporary substitute; student health and personal counseling records; health records may be reviewed by physicians of the student’s choosing; student employment records and alumni records.

学生不得查看父母提交的财务信息或与入学相关的机密信件和推荐信, employment or honors. 学院将只允许访问与请求访问的学生有关的部分记录. 伊利湖学院不允许在1月1日之前查看学生档案中的机密信件和推荐信, 1975. 发布教育记录同意书表格可在注册办公室获得.

Student Notification of Rights

包含个人身份信息的教育记录是保密的,不会向第三方发布, except as authorized by law.

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. 教育部的FERPA法规扩大了您的教育记录和包含在这些记录中的个人身份信息(PII)的情况-包括您的社会安全号码, 成绩或其他私人信息-可能在未经您同意的情况下被访问.

First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. 教育部长或州和地方教育当局(“联邦和州当局”)可以允许访问您的记录和PII,而无需您同意联邦或州当局指定的任何第三方来评估联邦或州支持的教育计划. 评估可以涉及任何“主要从事提供教育”的项目," such as early childhood education and job training, 以及任何由教育机构或机构管理的课程.

Second, 联邦和州当局可能允许研究人员在未经您同意的情况下访问您的教育记录和个人身份信息, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. 联邦和州当局必须从他们授权接收您的PII的实体那里获得某些使用限制和数据安全承诺, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities.

In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, 未经您的同意,永久保留和分享您的教育记录中的个人信息, 他们可能会通过将此类PII与他们从其他联邦或州数据源获得的有关您的其他个人信息链接起来,跟踪您对教育和其他项目的参与情况, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service and migrant student records systems. Students and parents, if dependent for Internal Revenue purposes, 是否有权(除某些例外)检查适用法规所规定的教育记录. Application to inspect educational records should be made to the Registrar. If students believe their educational records are inaccurate, they have a right to a hearing on the merits to correct these records. If the outcome of the hearing also denies the request, 学生有权提交一份反驳信,该反驳信将作为教育记录的永久部分保存. 学生有权对伊利湖学院不遵守行为办公室的规定提出投诉, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 200 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 526-E, Washington, DC 20201. 有关法律规定的权利的更多细节,学生应咨询教务处.